About Sensei Michael

Sensei Michael made a second career transition from an engineering job in the Navy, to a teaching job in the teaching service. It was a transition that would define his life from then on.

Leaving a government school as a Head of Department, he started an education business (which flopped), then moved on to Shanghai, where he left as the Head of Primary School. He would continue with several stints as GM/Director of school-holding companies (starting and running schools), and another stint with a gaming startup in Manila, before returning as a Principal in an international school in Singapore.

He is currently back to being an HOT (Happy Ordinary Teacher) teaching Global Perspectives in an international school in Singapore. His main online presence include the following.
  1. Ezine Articles
  2. Quora
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  1. Hi Mr Chan it's me Athanasius I enjoy reading this

    1. Glad you enjoy it, though I suspect many of the stuff here are somewhat beyond your age.

  2. Sensei Chan, I find this quite interesting and the best part is some blogs are newsletters such as the one about American boys failing as you are kind of writing the contemporary issues of America. All in all, this is awesome!

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