Dresses from the Swedish Store

The saga of the Mistress’ Child continues.

“Welcome back, Little Mistress,” the familiar voice of the Butler called out to her as the Mistress’s Child returned from another of her walks around the tiny house. It might be small, but as long as her mother lay within, it was hers to maintain in as good a condition as possible.

“What is it, Alfred?” She saw the frown on the Butler’s face. One thing she really liked about the Butler – he was a person very true with his feelings.

“Your dress is so old, Little Mistress. Why don’t you go over to the Swedish store to get some new ones? I think Mistress would be happy to see you in new dresses.”

“You know the rules, Alfred,” the Mistress’ Child replied with a smile, “My aunt has already placed a ban on the purchase of anything from the Swedish store. She claims that the local stores are as good, and buying from these stores would be cheaper since the sourcing is done by the purchasing staff at the Mansion.”

“Little Mistress,” the Butler’s frown deepened as he spoke, “Two of the servants from the Mansion have bought new suits worth more than 6000 pieces of silver for the Young Master yesterday, from the Swedish store itself! I should know – I chatted with the driver just today!”

The Mistress’ Child quietly dismissed the Butler to do his work, as she pondered upon this new development. Already, the Butler had told her once of the worker’s carriage ferrying the workers to and from work at the Mansion, while her servants had to hire private rickshaws (and only the trip to work was paid for). She had been told by her aunt, that all worker’s carriages had been withdrawn due to cost considerations. Apparently, the same cost considerations did not apply at the Mansion.

She remembered how she had been given a dressing down by her aunt over her purchase of the new dress at the Swedish store. She really wondered if her aunt had given permission this time for the purchase at the Mansion. She would not be surprised if she had turned a blind eye to making her nephew look good.

The Mistress’s Child looked at herself in the mirror at the hallway. Her dress really did look old. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.


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