Food for the Sheepdog

Another story from the Sheep Pen series.

The winter solstice was fast approaching, and it was a traditional time for sheepdog to hibernate together with the sheep. All sheepdogs were looking forward to their final feeding time before the hibernation, but the Sheepdog had heard disturbing news on the grapevine. Apparently, the Owner planned to feed all Sheepdogs after their hibernation, instead of before.

Such things were disturbing indeed to the sheepdogs, which needed the warmth of the food before they hibernate. Further news came from the grapevine – the Shepherd had argued for food to be distributed to the sheepdogs, and the Owner had finally agreed. Only to decide that the vitamin tablets be withheld, since hibernating dogs do not need them.

The Sheepdog shook its head. Such things were not new – back two years ago, the Owner had wanted to stop feeding the dogs during summer as well, since the sheep had gone for their shearing and slaughter, and the dogs were not needed. The Owner had changed its mind, but not before shockwaves had travelled through the Pen regarding such a measure.

The Sheepdog approached a group of lesser sheepdogs discussing the matter. Speculation was rife. Why did the Owner not want to feed the dogs before hibernation? The grapevine had mentioned that the Owner was within rights to do so, since feeding time was supposed to be at the end of the day’s work, and not before. Feeding the dogs earlier was simply the Owner being generous, and the dogs had to travel to the feeding point to get fed.

The Sheepdog had once wondered why the Owner could not simply get a hireling to distribute the food to the dogs, instead of insisting on the dogs travelling to the feeding point. It was a clever dog, however, which understood very well that getting a hireling meant not only extra costs, but that someone else now knew that perhaps the meat was of low quality. The Owner would not do such a thing, even though other Pens were already doing that.

The Sheepdog could hear the cursing of the Shepherd in the distance, and knew what happened, as it walked slowly towards him. The Shepherd had wanted to hire another lesser sheepdog to watch over the sheep, and had eyed a particular one. The Sheepdog knew that one – it was a very sharp and experienced sheepdog, and would be a great asset to the Pen.

“You know something, Sheepdog?” The Shepherd spoke as it snuggled against him, “The Owner does not want that new sheepdog in because he would have to feed two more puppies. Unless the new sheepdog agrees to not having its puppies fed, it could not come in. How could I convey such a message to it!”

The Sheepdog whined, as it felt the Shepherd’s pain. The Pen really needed good quality sheepdogs – they were not easy to find, as other pens normally snatched them quickly with offers of good quality food and living. If not for the love of the Shepherd and the Steward, the Sheepdog would have left this Pen long ago.

The sheepdog’s ears pricked – it heard the howling calls of the wolves in the forest again. They had been calling out to it so many times, but they had kept their distance. The Sheepdog snuggled closer to the Shepherd, the chilly air of the winter coming at him, as both watched the fluffy clouds go by. The clouds were really beautiful – some of them looked like lovely pieces of meat.


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