The Two Mistresses

Another story from the Mistress’s Child series.

“It has been great to have you around, Alfred. I am so glad you were always around for my girl. Thank you so much, Alfred…” Mistress started coughing again as she struggled for breath, and Alfred quickly rushed to get her some smelling herbs to ease her lungs.

“My pleasure, Mistress. There is no need to thank me. I am just doing my job, that’s all,” Alfred quickly glanced around, to make sure there were plenty of smelling herbs. Mistress had been getting progressively weaker over the years, and it really appeared that her life had not much more to go. He quietly sighed to himself, as he noted again how doctors were really expensive, especially when they had to treat Mistress, whom he knew was born a weak baby.

“I really do not have many years left, Alfred. How I wish Old Master is around…” Another bout of cough came about. Alfred sighed, as he noted within himself how Old Master would not do so. Old Mistress had made it very clear in the past that this woman would not step into the house.

“But I know Old Master will not risk losing Old Mistress to come and see me,” Mistress sighed this time, as she continued, “You know, Alfred, I should never have gotten into this relationship. I stood no chance. Old Mistress was a favourite with his family, legitimately accepted by the parents. She had been married to him for more than ten years then, and bore for him four sons! I should not have harboured any thought of being his woman at all. I was so foolish, Alfred. I feel so inferior before her.”

Alfred stayed with Mistress till she cried herself to sleep. It would not be proprietary for him to hug her, since she was the mistress of Old Master. As he walked out, he could not help but think of something Old Mistress told him, many, many years ago, in a similar crying fit. She had told him how she felt so inferior compared to the new woman that Old Master had fallen in love with. Unlike her, who only knew how to bear children and watch over the house, the new woman was much younger, and was an able businesswoman herself.

Alfred reached the main hall, and watched as Little Mistress went about her work, unaware of the conversation between the two elders of the house. All the problems began because Old Master tried to add another woman to his life, when he should simply stick to Old Mistress. Men should never have mistresses, because they create so many problems.


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