The Cloak of Silk

Another story from the Mistress’s Child series.

The Mistress’ Child ran to the door as she heard the familiar sounds of the carriage stop just outside the old rented house she stayed in. She flung it open and ran into the arms of the old man who just stepped out of the carriage, nearly knocking him down in the process.

“Whoa, Little Mistress! I’m an old man! You cannot afford the medical expenses if I break my arm!” Alfred laughed as he hugged the girl whom he had held in his arms as a baby, when the Old Master assigned him to the rented cottage. He was only half-joking though – they seriously could not afford his medical expenses were he to get injured, at his age.

“Oh Alfred! You are really so funny!” Little Mistress laughed and quickly grab Alfred’s arm, before speaking in a whisper, “Well, did you manage to get the contract?”

“Hmm…so the welcome was because of the contract and not for me?” Alfred raised an eyebrow as he winked at her.

“Come on, Alfred!” Little Mistress gave him a few punches as she giggled. Alfred was more important to her than anybody else. He was like a father to her, more than her real father, who was so busy with his businesses and his other family.

From his coat, Alfred produced the document. Little Mistress really wondered as she unfolded the scroll. It was a contract for the production and supply of silk cloaks to a leading house in the provincial city. She could only look in wonder at Alfred, for it was well known that the house did business only with close insiders.

Alfred winked at her again as he replied to her thoughts, “Being an old man means many more years to make friends at all sorts of places, Little Mistress. Now go along, you are late for the meeting with Old Master!”

Little Mistress gasped. She had nearly forgotten about the meeting, so excited was she at seeing Alfred again! She quickly ran to the waiting the carriage and set off. The horses had only gone a few steps before the carriage master stopped for a panting Alfred. She had forgotten her coat again. Alfred had always chided her for forgetting her coat since she was a little girl.

The journey to the Mansion was always a long one. She hated the journey, because she always felt looked-down whenever she was there. After all, she was the child of the mistress, and not of the proper family. Even the servants there looked down on her.

The meeting, as usual, was all about the many other businesses that her father owned, now placed under the charge of her brother. She must have dreamed away, for by the time she returned to the meeting room, all eyes were on her, expecting her to say something.

Her brother was visibly irritated, “Look, if you have nothing to report on your garments factory, just say so. Don’t waste our time.”

She quickly produced the contract to her father, and reported how her garments factory would be producing the silk cloaks for the reputable house in the provincial city. Her father was expressionless, but turned to her brother for his opinion.

“Father, her garments factory is old, with old machines staffed by aging workers. For the sake of the reputation of our house, we must produce the cloaks in the third factory, with the latest machines staffed by young and energetic workers. I am sure you will not want any complaints of scratches or running cloaks.”

She was shocked to hear this, but not as shocked as she was when she actually heard both her father and her aunt agree to it. It had happened again. Whatever she had managed to get for herself had been taken away.

The room rapidly turned blurry as the tears formed within her eyes. She fought hard to control her tears, fought hard not to burst into tears and her brother called for an end to the meeting. She did not bother to look at anyone as she ran to her waiting carriage. The carriage master was used to the scene and simply left her to sob in the carriage as he drove home in the rain.

Alfred was waiting for her outside with the umbrella. She could not control herself any more, and wailed loudly as she buried herself in the chest of the butler. Her tears gushed like the rains around her, and her loud cries drowned out the thunder around her.

She had no part in the inheritance, and no love from her father. For she was, after all, only the child of a mistress who was no longer youthful and beautiful, no longer able to command the love of her man. It is indeed tough being the Mistress’s child.


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