On Being Family 我们是一家人

This story first appeared as a letter to my staff when I was working in China (hence it was written in English and Chinese). It would later spin off into a series of its own, read only by a small group of close friends. The Rabbit Family series tell of a harried Mother Rabbit and how she managed a warren of several rabbits. It is a story I suspect many SAHM (Stay-at-Home-Mums) can relate to very strongly!

This is a story about rabbits.

There once was a family of rabbits that lived next door to another rabbit family.

One day, Brother Rabbit opened the door and saw Brother Rabbit Too. Brother Rabbit Too glared at him and growled, “You have too much rubbish, go throw it elsewhere.”

Brother Rabbit was taken aback. How rude and totally barbaric! He thought to himself.

Brother Rabbit bounced back into his comfortable rabbit hole and saw Sister Rabbit, who glared at him and growled, “Make sure you don’t dirty my new rabbit-hole sheets.”

Brother Rabbit smiled. He had grown up with his sister for 2 years. That’s just her, and he knew she meant no harm. After all, she had been family for so long.

When you treat each other as family, faults take on a different perspective.








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