The Mistress's Child

This was one of my older stories that span a serial, enjoyed by many readers. I shall reproduce the stories slowly on these pages. Welcome to the story of the Mistress's Child.

There was once a man who married a woman. She gave birth to his firstborn, and the man was happy watching the firstborn grow up. The firstborn was a naturally cautious boy, stable and dependable, and he began early to assume family responsibilities. It was tough for the family at first, but life got better as the boy grew up and started running the family business.

Unfortunately, like many men, his thoughts began to wander as money began to flow into his pockets and he started to court this other woman. His wife and son did not object when he announced he’s taking in a mistress. This woman gave birth to his second child, and the whole family rejoiced in this cute girl, fresh, charming and active. She was so different from her elder brother.

Anyone crazy enough to try to juggle two women and two families, however, would soon reap the whirlwind. Clashes occur often between the two siblings. The elder brother asserted his authority many times, based on his firstborn status, and based on his rights as the legitimate child of the family. The girl found herself suppressed of her creativity simply because her father listened to her elder brother. In any major family decisions, the elder brother’s voice got heard, but not hers.

The Mistress’ child worked harder, much harder, than her elder brother to please her father. She tried so hard, putting in many extra hours, to do things she knew her father liked. Unlike her legitimate brother, she did not get the nice sprawling mansion to live in, or the nice new furniture – all she got was the hand-me-down furniture in her old rented house. Getting an allowance for her to spend on new clothes and toys was another further struggle – she saw how the money would go to the gardens in her father’s mansion.

It wasn’t until the recent years, when her aunt came down personally to inspect the old broken-down house with the hand-me-down furniture, that things began to get better. Her aunt was very generous and loved her a lot. She saw the potential in this child, and had once rebutted the elder brother who insisted on not buying her a new dress because he was not buying a new shirt (he had plenty).

Her aunt also made things very clear to her. The Mistress’ child would never be fully considered part of the family as long as she lived in the old rented house. She knew, however, that her father had arranged for a long lease with the landlord for her house, and he preferred her mother and her not to move to the mansion. “Perhaps when the lease expires,” was all she heard from her father, so many times.

Yes, perhaps one day she’d be invited to the mansion. Perhaps she would no longer have to work so hard to please her father when she became truly part of the family. The future was so far off. For now, she shed a tear as she put on her new dress. She’d carve out her niche in the world in the meantime. Hopefully, her elder brother would not stop her as he did in the past, but allow her to use her talents to the fullest.

It is tough indeed to be the mistress’ child.


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