A migration from a platform to another is no easy task for someone with limited technical skills in SQL, even if he is IT-savvy. In fact, I argue that the IT-savvy guy is the person who wastes lots of time trying to get things done his way, while the non-IT guy will simply hire the correct guy to do it. With little time on my hands, I decided to pay a small some for the correct guy.

CMS2CMS recently published a post "Quite and Painless CMS Switchover" (it must have been a typo in my comment to them, since they quoted it - the English teacher in me nearly died!), after getting feedback from me for this useful service. For just USD29.00, I got a painless migration of all my data from Joomla (which I still could not figure out how best to use) to WordPress (the platform I have been using since 2006).

I am also amazed at their business model. The amount of work needed by a human pair of hands is minimal, and everything is done via their web platform. I just need to put in their programme into my server, and everything was taken care of. The migration was also perfect, with no broken links and so on, though I needed some minor editing of some posts that ended up duplicated and "Uncategorised".

Quite a painless CMS switchover it is indeed! Now if only CMS2CMS will edit off the poor English that appeared on their website and my job shall be complete!

StMichael: As of now, CMS2CMS has made the edit I requested! Hurray!


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