The Dice God

It was always with great amusement that I read in the message boards about the players calling upon the ‘dice gods’ and blaming them for horrible dice rolls (expecially those users of Dicey). Personally, I do believe, not in the ‘dice gods’ but in the Dice God, the Maker of All That Moves, the Creater of the Laws of the Universe. And my Friend.

I remember myself feeling really down recently due to some events at my workplace. I was making the move for US1, when I decided to roll for a Tech. I prayed and told God this, “Lord, I would really love to get a good Tech now. Can I have that please?” I got Industrial Technology.

My wife, a long-time companion and support to me, heard me sighing in half wonder and I told her what had happened. She encouraged me to give a testimony of how He had remembered me even in the small insignificant thing called dice in a small insignificant pursuit called games. I believe the time is due for me to give him the praise that is due Him.

It all began early in my Christian faith, when my gaming buddies and I were playing A&A. Three of them were new converts, while one was a strong anti-Christian atheist. I only remembered that it was a crucial battle, and I was beset by 5 air units, with a huge amount of supporting armour and infantry. My good friend, Joshua, jokingly asked if God is a God of the dice. In my youthful exuberance, and in faith, I declared ‘Yes!’ and proceded to pray for God to bless the dice. The AA gun shot down all 5 units (1 in 7776 chance of doing so), and needless to say, my side won the battle (though for the life of me, I really could not remember if my side won the game!). I believe it was a high point in our lives, both in the new converts and in the anti-Christian friend.

Then, of course, came the phase of my life when I put aside all gaming, and concentrated on studying the Bible and pursuing a strong spiritual life. It was only recently, about 4 years ago, that I placed gaming back into my life.

The first opponent to encounter the Dice God was Fourth Reich, if I do not remember wrongly. I was Axis and was on the losing end, Japan unable to make any headway, and Germany being hard-pressed. History was made and I rolled my very first Tech in desperation in an AAMC game. I remember asking the Lord, “God, I know this is just a game, but I believe you are the Lord of every part of my life. I need IT now. Can I have it please?” I got IT and SS with Germany and the Allies were stuck. The next roll with Japan got me JP, LR and HB, and I proceeded to pound Russia silly. My opponent conceded the game.

The next opponent, who must really be exasperated, was Wings of Victory. He played about two games straight in which his beginning moves were absolutely horrible when it comes to dice. Thinking back, I remember telling God that I would like to have short games for the next few ones (and they were really short!). He conceded both these games, giving me easy rating points .

Of course, I must quantify that the dice did not always go my way (the recent games had the dice really horrible against me) – but it seems that whenever I am really in need and I prayed, the Lord would always answer me. In the most recent case, I had needed something to encourage me, to let me know that He is still with me, and around me. I know it may sound silly, but that IT at that point of time was something very important to me, and I believe God loves me enough to want to cheer me up. It was with a sense of wonder then that I told my wife, who was next to me working on her project, about it.

That sense of wonder, that God cared enough to answer small little prayers, never failed to thrill me each time. He had answered me many times when I just felt really tired and wanted the rain to stop so I could go home (of course, it did stop). He had answered me many times when I called upon Him in many ways and in many things.

Surely He alone is worthy of all our praise!


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