Have you Ever Thought About Your Life?

As a youth, I have seen the lives of many Christians about me. Some of them made me so sick – they were really hypocritical. But there were two who stood out. I was an atheist then, and I always mocked at them when they talked to me about their Christian God.

But the fact that they still remained friends with me, and still talked to me about this Christian God made me think – what is so special about this religion that they just do not hate me or tried to run me down?

Perhaps it was the Bible? Perhaps I could find out something from there? The thing that made them tick? And the study of the Bible was indeed the very event that brought me on the road to knowing and finding God.

Life with God is very different from life on your own. Truly, I understand why those who are self-sufficient do not want to be Christians – they don’t feel they need God. But surely for all who are humble enough to seek Him, He will give guidance and strength for the rigours of life.

I am one who has known God since a tender age of seventeen. I have been a Christian for 15 years now (2003), as a student, as a military personnel, as an educator, and now as an artiste, businessman and investor (and still educator, actually…). What can I say? Life is not any easier (I still face many problems) but He has been a constant source of guidance, strength and happiness as well.

My friend – can I appeal to you…read just one book from the Bible. Just read the book of John, and you will know why I believe in God, and His love for us. Ask me questions if you want to. May God help me to answer you.



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