Ending a Business and Carrying on with My Life

Somewhere along life’s journey, you get to experience some events that will change your viewpoint of who you are and who you really mean to God.

I have always believed I have the charm and people skills to succeed in everything I do. How wrong I was! If it were not for the Lord’s blessings upon my life in my past two careers, I would not have met the people who mentored me and who gave me the support and chances to excel. If it were not for the Lord’s blessings upon the works of my hands, I would not be able to do half of what I was doing them.

Ten Talents Media was a personal disaster for me. I am a good teacher, but I needed people around me for me to sound off. I needed the security of a fixed salary in my life, without which I become quickly discouraged and fearful. I had none of them when I run Ten Talents Media. Not only that, but I made a mistake of not making back-up plans in case my primary market (my former pupils) failed – which was what exactly happened. But most important of all – I have not committed the running or the founding of the company to the Lord. I suspect that was my greatest failure in the company.

It was then with great pleasure that I welcomed Joe, Jean and Andrew, my good friends, into the company. They were the ones who landed a $10,000 contract for the company. They supported me when I was down (the collapse of the Private Investment Fund). I gladly handed over the company to them when I have to step down as Director due to my commitments in the Shanghai Singapore International School.

Some told me I was silly to hand over a company just like this. After all, was I not the founder of the company? Shouldn’t I have sold it for a certain amount of money? But I could not in honesty do so. What have I done to grow the company? Nothing. Joe, Jean and Andrew were the ones who really brought the company to where it is today. But I am glad that they allowed me to keep the rights to the Money!Money!Money! game I developed and to pay me licensing when they clinched contracts using the game. Where do you find such good companions? Surely it is a gift from God and I will ask for no more. There are some things in life that money just cannot buy.

May this article stir up something within you and bless you in your own search for God’s direction in your life. Remember to always commit everything you do to God. Never, never, trust in your own strength. Learn from the lesson of those who have gone before you,
that you may enjoy a happier life!


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