Modern Education is Stacked Against Boys

It is not just America's educational system that are failing its boys. This claim was made from an article I read, which squares with what I have encountered in the modern educational system.

Virtually all modern humanistic public education systems are stacked against their boys. I do not agree with all the points written by the author (since I believe they are irrelevant to the topic of boys being failed), so I shall only point out the ones I agree with.

1. Boys mature more slowly compared to girls. The modern educational system requires a lot of early maturity to achieve early. Early reading. Early attention. Sitting down and not moving. All these require maturity early.

2. Boys are innately more competitive compared to girls. The modern educational system is de-emphasizing grades and sports achievements, both areas where the innate competitiveness of boys come out. They are being set up not to do as well, in an environment which emphasizes collaboration.

3. Education now requires a lot more emotional investment rather than knowledge investment, which penalises the gender which is generally weaker in this. I read questions today that ask for "feelings" and "(hidden) purpose of the poster".

The counter-argument, of course, would be that the previous educational system was stacked against the girls. We educators, then, must do more research, and find pedagogical practices that enable us to find that fine balance between the two.


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