What is meant by the phrase "objectification of women"?
Objectification can be of anyone, not just women, but it appears to be worse off for women. Answer by A Quora admin: I think the most useful way to explain this is to highlight the difference between the object and the subject. Is the woman the subject of the sentences narrating her life (or just this particular interaction), or is she an object in the sentences? Do they do, or are they done to? This doesn't always work (for example, "That person works for me."), but it's a good gut check. Disney princess movies are simple and good for contrasting examples. In Sleeping Beauty , Aurora was born, and a witch was jealous of her and cursed her. Her parents and fairy godmothers hid her. The witch still managed to trick her and put a sleeping spell on her. A prince found her, kissed her, and rescued her, so she married him. Aurora never really did anything. She never drove the plot; the plot happened to her. Anyone else could have been switched in for her character and not...