MacLeod's Model of Organisational Sociology
I recently encountered the MacLeod's Model of Organisational Sociology from Michael O Church's excellent article . For someone who devoured plenty of literature of organisational behaviour during his MBA days, this was a new model that intrigued me, and made me think of how our organisation works. MacLeod's model classifies all people in big organisations into three types. Losers , who recognize that low-level employment is a losing deal, and therefore commit the minimum effort not to get fired. Clueless , who work as hard as they can but fail to understand the organization’s true nature and needs, and are destined for middle management. Sociopaths , who capture the surplus value generated by the Losers and Clueless. Destined for upper management. It is a pity that the terms used are so negative, perhaps because MacLeod believes that big organisations are themselves dysfunctional in certain ways. Each of these three are who they are because of another trilema at work ...